ENR Top 600 2022 Press Release – 10.17.2022
Paeonian Springs, Virginia, October 17, 2022: In the recently released October 17/24 edition of the Engineering News Record (ENR), which is dedicated to the top 600 Specialty Contractors in the country, Densification, Inc. has made its first appearance in the rankings! Specifically, the rankings reflect overall corporate revenue for the prior fiscal year, based on a survey of contractors around the country.
Reflecting a steady growth period for the company dating back to 2011, Densification, Inc. entered the top 600 at rank 591, which we feel is a tremendous milestone and accomplishment for the company. Now, however, the hard work begins. A ranking of 591 means there is plenty of room to continue our growth, particularly as we look to expand our geographic footprint throughout North America and beyond.
About Densification:
Founded in 1993, Densification is America’s leading dynamic compaction specialty contractor. We have a specialized knowledge of the dynamic compaction process gained from decades of experience on over 1,000 projects throughout the United States and abroad. Combined with decades of experience in the geotechnical consulting industry, the management at Densification, Inc. is well-versed on how to successfully complete projects on poor soil sites.
Contact Person:
Chris Woods, P.E., G.E., D.GE., CEng MIEI, LEEDAP BD+C, Assoc. DBIA, F.ASCE
Vice President
Densification, Inc.