Shaffer Named to Crane Operator Evaluation Task Force
27 March 2023
Shaffer Named to Crane Operator Evaluation Task Force
Paeonian Springs, Virginia – Densification, Inc. is pleased to announce Vice President Rob Shaffer’s appointment to the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) Crane Operator Evaluator Task Force. Comprised of 19 industry experts, the task force aims to establish a new certification program for crane operator evaluators, addressing the evolving OSHA requirements and industry needs for standardization.
Shaffer joins colleagues from various sectors, including construction, unions, and training firms, to ensure crane operator evaluations meet quality standards. This initiative responds to OSHA’s mandate for evaluator qualifications, enhancing evaluation reliability and industry safety.
“I am honored to join fellow experts on this CCO task force. This collaborative effort is a unique opportunity to combine our collective knowledge and experiences, working together to establish standards that prioritize safety and reliability in crane operations,” Shaffer noted.
Densification, Inc. looks forward to contributing to this transformative initiative and playing a role in upcoming crane operator evaluation standards.
About Densification:
Founded in 1993, Densification is America’s leading dynamic compaction specialty contractor. We have specialized knowledge of the dynamic compaction process gained from decades of experience on over 1,000 projects throughout the United States and abroad. Combined with decades of experience in the geotechnical consulting industry, the management at Densification, Inc. is well-versed in how to successfully complete projects on poor soil sites.
Contact Person:
Rob Shaffer, P.E.
Vice President
Densification, Inc.