DFI Journal Special Edition Press Release – 8.15.2023
Hawthorne, New Jersey, August 15, 2023: Densification, Inc. has become a strong supporter of the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) mission in recent years, with Vice President Chris Woods taking an active role in several areas of the organization. Recently, DFI Journal Volume 17, Issue No. 1, which was a Special Edition dedicated solely to Ground Improvement was released. Along with Jerry Bishop of Kiewit, Chris served as a Guest Editor to this issue, which was developed over the past year and a half.
Published bi-annually, the DFI Journal presents peer-reviewed technical content from across the foundation industry and around the world. Densification, Inc. would like to thank the DFI, and in particular, Journal Editors-in-Chief, Tim Siegel of Dan Brown & Associates, and Anne Lemnitzer with the University of California, Irvine, for their support in helping bring this effort to fruition.
About Densification:
Founded in 1993, Densification is America’s leading dynamic compaction specialty contractor. We have a specialized knowledge of the dynamic compaction process gained from decades of experience on over 1,000 projects throughout the United States and abroad. Combined with decades of experience in the geotechnical consulting industry, the management at Densification, Inc. is well-versed on how to successfully complete projects on poor soil sites.
Contact Person:
Chris Woods, P.E., G.E., D.GE., CEng MIEI, LEEDAP BD+C, Assoc. DBIA, F.ASCE
Vice President
Densification, Inc.
DFI Journal Website: